Monday, November 9, 2009

Where Did the Time Go

Did we have summer? It seems our summers are getting shorter and shorter. I'm sorry it's been a long time since I updated my Blog. Excuse: enjoying every moment I could outside when the weather permitted.
   We had a fun summer with lots of friends and family. We went to Wis. for husbands nephew's wedding and what a Blast it was. After the wedding we spend time with friends. Our first stop we stayed and Mike and Bindy's in Dover, Mn. What fun. Ahhh, God is so good. To give us good friends. *smile*. We stayed there for about 3 nights and than off to Bill and Barbs and had just as much fun.
  Than we enjoyed the company of Clay's nephew Evan and new bride Maleah. They had a small fire in their apartment and so they stayed with us for about 4 weeks. Poor Dears, being newly weds and all. But, for us we enjoyed their company and getting to know them. They are wonderful kids. With the love of the Lord in their hearts.
   Clays mom and sisters came for night to visit. We enjoyed their company it was fun to visit and we had a nice evening sitting out on the deck and cooking on the grill. What fun.
  My parents came a couple tiimes along with my older sister. Of course we always enjoy having them around. Just to have that time to visit and play games with them.
  My sister from Tenn. and her family came for a visit to a Aberdeen and what fun was that? We went to Story Book land, cook outs and good visits. It had been a long time since we seen her family and grandson. So what t GREAT time that was. Than a month ago Rhonda flew in again to Aberdeen and I got to spend a week with her and her grandson. That was GREAT time too. Love you Rhonda. ~smile~ Yes, God is good and arounds in many ways. Just stop and listen you will hear him.
  Now back to our fall. Jack Frost around the corner and YOU all know what follows? Old man winter. *sigh* I just hope it's not a replay of last years winter. If so I might just have to learn to go outside and enjoy the snow.. Yea, right..........
  I cannot forget how fun trick or treating was with the grandkids. Let me see, Mani was Pippi Longstocking (remember her, girls?) Kye was a very friendly Dracula and Caleb was scarriest of all he as Mike Meyers, if know one is familiar with him, he's the horrible guy from Halloween movies...Shiver, he was VERY scarry.
 Soon I will post about the boys and Clays hunting adventure: so stay tuned.

                                            Mani, Kye, Megan(fairy) and Caleb

, Our Trip to Story Book Land, Rachelle, Brian, Jason and Justin, Oh yea, mom on the side.

                                             Clay, Bill and Barb enjoying a fine meal

                                                             Clay, Bindy and Luke

                                                     Five Generation of the Stephens family

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